Date: 22-05-2023

Considering the variability of forms of labour relations in the Slovak legislation governed by the Labour Code, and their use by the Project Promoters of the Business Development, Innovation and SMEs Program, the Research Agency, as the Program Operator, issued the instructions for proving the indicator Number of jobs created. The purpose is to verify the fulfillment of target values ​​of the standard indicators set out in Table No. 2 of Annex No. 1 of  Project contract (Offer for the provision of a project grant) and the achievement of the program's target values ​​set out in Annex No. 1 of the Program Agreement in terms of the Core Indicators Guideline issued by the Financial Mechanism Office.

Instructions for proving the indicator Number of jobs created (in Slovak)

pdf Pokyn na preukazovanie indikátora "Počet vytvorených pracovných miest"

Annex No. 1 to Instructions (in Slovak)

excel Pokyn_Príloha 1_Prehľad vytvorených pracovných miest