Date: 01-07-2022

Results of the selection process within the Call for Proposals for Institutional Cooperation between Higher Education Institutions, Upper-Secondary Schools and Private Sector (Call Code: BIN SGS02) are announced.

Research Agency as the Program Operator of the Business Development, Innovation and SMEs Programme issued Decision on the award of grants for the project applications within the Call for Proposals for Institutional Cooperation between Higher Education Institutions, Upper-Secondary Schools and Private Sector (BIN SGS02), financed by the Norway Grants and state budget of the Slovak Republic. There were 13 project applications received in the total amount of €2 234 848,10. 11 of them were granted in the total amount of €1 914 117,70.

Results of the Call can be found << HERE >>.

The Call was launched on 30.11.2021 with the aim to strengthen institutional cooperation and to enhance both the quality and relevance of education and training in Slovakia, mainly in the programme focus areas of Green Industry Innovation and Welfare and Ambient Assisted Living technologies.

The amount of 2 470 588 € was allocated for this Call. It was closed on 28.02.2022.