Call for Proposals for Bilateral Initiatives (BIN BF03) has been launched

Research Agency as a program Operator of the Business Development, Innovation and SMEs Programme has launched the Call for proposals for bilateral initiatives (call code: BIN BF03) under Fund for Bilateral Relations with total allocation of € 70,000. The aim of the Call is to set-up a flexible and easy tool for searching of donor project partners (Measure A - Donor project partner search) for calls within business part of the Programme and strengthening of business partnerships between the entities from the Donor states (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) and Slovakia (Measure B – Small scale bilateral initiatives). All initiatives within this Call can be implemented both, in person and online.

Within the Call for bilateral initiatives it is possible to apply for a maximum grant of up to € 3,000 under Measure A – Donor project partner search and between € 1,000 to € 10,000 under Measure B – Small scale bilateral initiatives. 

Grant Application submission deadline for Measure A - Donor project partner search, is 30 days prior to the date closure of the calls BIN 01 and/or BIN 02, or until the total allocation is used. Applications under Measure B will be supported till 31 December 2022or until the total allocation is used.

The Grant Application shall be submitted in English via electronic application egrant available on our webpage.