Editorial correction No.1 of the Call BIN 01

Research Agency as the Program Operator of the Business Development, Innovation and SMEs programme informs potential applicants about the editorial correction of the Call BIN 01. On June 29, 2021, the European Commission registered the State Aid Scheme for supporting business development and innovation as amended by Addendum No.1 and registers it under the number SA.63743. Based on the regulation of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic, it is necessary to use the registration number assigned by the Commission. Given that the notification of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic was announced after the publication of the Call BIN 01, the Program Operator proceeds to the editorial correction No.1 of this technical error of the Call BIN 01 and all its annexes and related documents, where the original texts State Aid Scheme SA.61867 changes to State Aid Scheme as amended by Addendum No. 1 SA.63743 and State Aid Scheme for supporting business development and innovation, as amended by Addendum No. 1 SA.61867 changes to State Aid Scheme for supporting business development and innovation as amended by Addendum No. 1 SA.63743.