Call for Proposals to support newly established businesses (start-ups) has been launched

Research Agency as a program Operator of the Business Development, Innovation and SMEs programme has launched the Call For Proposals - Small Grant Scheme Support of newly established businesses (start-ups) BIN SGS01. The call is financed from the Norway Grants and state budget of the Slovak republic. The call aims to support start-ups aiming at development, application and commercialization of innovative technologies, processes, solutions within two main focus areas: Green Industry Innovation (GII) and Welfare Technology and Ambient Assisted Living Technologies (WT/AAL). These areas represent a big potential of identified needs which can be fulfilled thanks to new approaches and, often, by non-traditional realization of ideas in practice. Start-ups have an opportunity to ask for funding of projects focused on development, application and commercialization of best proposed processes, technologies, solutions, products and services, or greening of their business.

Within the Call it is possible to apply for grant from 100,000 € up to 200,000 €. The amount of 1 058 824 € is allocated for the Call.

Date of launching the call: 29.6.2020. Deadline for Call closure: 23 October 2020 .

The Grant Application shall be submitted in English via electronic application egrant available on our webpage.