Reporting on mismanagement of funds or corruption

Have you encountered fraud or corruption in connection with the implementation of projects financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism (EEA and Norway grants)? Do not hesitate to report on such attempts. 

EEA and Norway grants have zero tolerance for corruption and misuse of funds.

For more information click <<here>>


Business Development, Innovation and SMEs Programme 

As non-eu countries, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein have provided, since 1994, through EEA and Norway Grants financial contributions to those EU countries whose gross domestic product per capita is less than 90% of the EU average. There are 15 such states in the programme period 2014 – 2021. On the other hand these Donor states have access to free movement of goods, capital, services and persons within the all member EU states. The main aim of the EEA and Norway Grants is to contribute to decreasing economic and social differences within European Economic Area (EEA) and to strengthening the cooperation between Donor and Beneficiary states. Implemented projects are financed from two mechanisms – EEA financial mechanism and Norwegian financial mechanism. Slovak national budget contributes 15 %. Slovak Republic is a beneficiary state from 2004 since it became the member of European Union as well the member of the European Economic Area. 

For more information visit and

Research Agency is the programme operator for the Business Development, Innovation and SMEs programme aiming at increased value creation and sustainable growth in the Slovak business sector. By financing initiatives that aim to increase competitiveness and profitability of supported Slovak enterprises, mainly SMEs, the programme will contribute to reducing economic disparities in the regions. The prioritised target group is young and female entrepreneurs.



The component addressing Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeships and Youth Entrepreneurships is part of the programme.  

A special Fund for Bilateral Cooperation has been set up to strengthen bilateral cooperation, which is one of the two main objectives of the EEA and Norway grants.



Total allocation of the Programme: 23,53 € mil.

EEA and Norway Financial Mechanisms: 20,00 € mil.

State Budget: 3,53 € mil.



National Focal Point: 


Financial Mechanism Office:


Royal Norwegian Embassy in Bratislava:


Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport SR:


Donor Programmme Partners:


Materiály pre reklamu Kikaspol | Kikaspol - Materiály pre reklamuRozvoj obchodu, inovácií a MSP


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